In accordance with the visioned outlined in the Charter for the Humanities and Social Sciences, and as part of the CHSS’ African Renaissance Programme, the NIHSS has implemented cross-border study programmes for the BRICS countries, in the form of the BRICS Teaching and Learning Mobility Grants, and Joint Institutional Research Collaboration projects, as well as the Academic Research Cluster projects.
The South African BRICS Think Tank (SABTT), hosted by NIHSS, has participated in the annual BRICS Think Tank Council (BTTC) Academic Forums and the Institute has also supported and facilitated the funding of nine BRICS Academic Research Clusters which have produced important policy-relevant research in the BRICS domain.
- International, BRICS & Global South Mobility Grants are awarded to South African researchers/academics as well as postgraduate students (at master’s and Doctoral levels) planning to undertake research and teaching endeavours at BRIC universities and research institutes. The grant may also be awarded to South African academics/researchers wishing to host a collaborating partner during short-term research and/or teaching visits in South Africa.
- The NIHSS houses the SA BRICS Think Tank (SABTT), a member of the BRICS Think Tank Council (BTTC). Outputs emanating from policy dialogues hosted by the SABTT include but are not limited to policy briefs, published conference proceedings, and online webinars. The Institute, on the other hand, plays the role of “the funder”, by providing the funding required to host the policy dialogue(s). The purpose of the policy dialogues can be seen as two-fold:
- To provide a platform for the Institute to engage the broader South African society on matters of importance in the realm of international relations and multilateral forum, specifically the BRICS forum, and
- Articulate South Africa’s position on matters referred to above and identify policy gaps that requires the attention of the South African government.