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University of Venda

The relationship between traditional leadership and local government on land allocation: A case of the Thulamela Local Municipality

Traditional leadership and local government are expected to provide co-leadership in same areas of jurisdiction, in South Africa, without much guidance on how that should be done. As a result, there is constant tension in the relationship and questioning between the two centers of power; tensions, such as those that largely exist around issues of land allocation and ownership. This study was aimed at exploring the relationship between traditional leadership and local government with regards to land allocation in the Thulamela local municipality.

Model to Facilitate Language Acquisition/Development in Children Between 0 To 3 Years in Rural Communities of Makhado Municipality, Limpopo Province

The aim of the study was to develop a conceptualized model that will enhance language acquisition of children between 0 and 3 years. Language is a use of words and symbol to convey message, or communication. Generally, from birth to the age of four months children express their needs through crying and are soothed by the sound of voices or by low rhythmic sounds.

A Development of a Model to Facilitate Effective Psychological Services for Offenders in Long Term Incarceration in Vhembe District Limpopo Province

The background of the study discusses the different perceptions of incarceration globally. The purpose of this study was to develop a model which would effectively facilitate the handling of psychological services among offenders in long-term incarceration.

School-Based Interventions into Effects of School Girl Pregnancy on Teaching and Learning in Mopani District, Limpopo Province, South Africa

This study sought to establish the impact of interventions employed by schools to support the teaching and learning of pregnant and parenting learners (PPLs) in the Mopani district of Limpopo province, South Africa. The study employed qualitative research methodology to gather narrative data from 68 key school-based education stakeholders who were purposively sampled and interviewed on what their schools were doing to support the teaching and learning of PPLs they enrolled.

Self-Efficacy in Vocational Development of Women in Low Socio-Economic Communities

This study sought to investigate self-efficacy in vocational development of women in low socio-economic communities. The main aim of the study was to investigate the socio-contextual factors influencing self-efficacy of women. The objectives were fourfold: to examine the levels of self-efficacy of these women; to ascertain the extent to which self-efficacy influences vocational development of women and to propose a pragmatic women developmental model for acceleration of access to vocational development. The study utilised Self-Efficacy Theory (SET) as its theoretical frame-work which originated from Bandura’s (1986) Social Cognitive Theory (SCT).