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Why Innovations Live or Die: South Africa's innovation system

A vision for South Africa's National System of Innovation (NSI) was articulated some three decades ago in the White Paper on Science and Technology (1996). The idealism that inspired a nation in rebirth also found expression in policy for the science and innovation sector. Since then, the NSI has been moulded and re-moulded in light of domestic and global experiences.

This volume, Why Innovations Live or Die: South Africa's innovation system, interrogates the systems and the issues surrounding them. Contributing authors argue that the fundamental question is about the relevance of innovations to the country's citizens, and whether the system promotes economic growth, social inclusion and initiative across all sectors of the population.

ISBN Number: 9781920690458
Year of publication: 2024
Publisher: Mapungubwe Institute (MISTRA, South Africa
Link: Why Innovations Live or Die: South Africa's innovation system

Zamanzima Mazibuko-Makena
Thomas Pogue
Publication Type