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Rhodes University

From Euphoria to Disenchantment: The Intangible in Black Post-Apartheid South African Fiction

This thesis studies failure and disillusionment in black post apartheid South African fiction. As it officially ‘comes of age’, South Africa, like many post liberation states on the African continent, is trapped in the mire of disillusionment: there is a perception that the past continues to hold the present ransom, coupled with a recognition of a ‘newness that cannot yet be born’, to paraphrase Gramsci (276).

The professional experiences of early career counselling Psychologists in South Africa: a mixed method study

Counselling psychologists represent a considerable proportion of psychologists in South Africa (SA), yet knowledge on the discipline’s workforce is limited. In addition, professional lifespan issues have received inadequate attention, inclusive of the early career stage, identified as an exceptionally vulnerable segment of the professional lifespan.

Izit? Hoe lyk hulle? Kom ons ǂXoa – A South African Khoe-San narrative

The foundation of the South African narrative is framed by identity politics; a politics instituted at the intersection of race and class to exclude all people considered non-White concerning the socioeconomic and political landscape of the country. The preamble of the Freedom Charter signed in 1955 declared that the country belongs to all who live in it: Black and White people. The dominant constructivist narratives of addressing the racial dichotomy obliterate the injustice suffered by the Khoe-San people whose identity was overshadowed under the homogeneous term, Coloured people.

Saul Msane: Friend or Foe of the People? The Life of the late Nineteenth to early Twentieth Centuries South African Politician and Journalist

Saul Msane was a prominent founding member of the ANC and an active journalist and editor of the ANC newspaper Abantu-Batho. His career generated controversy. Towards the end of his life, he had a feud with his colleagues in the African National Congress (henceforth Congress) that led to him being labelled isitha sabantu, “the enemy of the people” for his refusal to support the Shilling strike of 1918, an accusation which was retracted a year after his death in 1919.

Demand-Side Factors and the Employment of Young People: A Case Study of the Recruitment and Selection Strategies of Selected Firms in Johannesburg

Unemployment is a long-standing and pressing socio-economic phenomenon that affects, markedly, both developed and developing countries. Although, in one way or another, many people are affected by unemployment, the reviewed literature concurs that youth unemployment is a critical component of the overall unemployment challenge.

The impact of translanguaging and acculturation towards implementation of the Incremental Indigenous African Languages programme in former Model-C schools (Alfred Nzo West District, Eastern Cape)

This thesis explores the possibilities of multilingual language instruction within multi-ethnic classrooms in former Model-C schools shaped by multiple discursive practices. The researcher reviews current research on multilingualism and teaching and proposes strategies for overcoming the English prescriptivism, and monolingual mind-set in education.

Exploring teaching and learning German as a foreign language at a South African institution of higher education: blended learning and collocations.

German Studies students at Rhodes University have normally never studied the German language before enrolling for the first-year course and face the challenge of a fairly rapid linguistic advancement, in a context with very limited exposure to the foreign language outside the classroom. Free writing is an area which students find particularly challenging as it requires students to synthesise grammatical and vocabulary knowledge.

The impact of translanguaging and acculturation towards implementation of the Incremental Indigenous African Languages programme in former Model-C schools (Alfred Nzo West District, Eastern Cape)

This thesis explores the possibilities of multilingual language instruction within multi-ethnic classrooms in former Model-C schools shaped by multiple discursive practices. The researcher reviews current research on multilingualism and teaching and proposes strategies for overcoming the English prescriptivism, and monolingual mind-set in education.

The impact of translanguaging and acculturation towards implementation of the Incremental Indigenous African Languages programme in former Model-C schools (Alfred Nzo West District, Eastern Cape)

This thesis explores the possibilities of multilingual language instruction within multi-ethnic classrooms in former Model-C schools shaped by multiple discursive practices. The researcher reviews current research on multilingualism and teaching and proposes strategies for overcoming the English prescriptivism, and monolingual mind-set in education.