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University of Johannesburg

The social contexts of childhood malnutrition in South Africa

Background: Childhood malnutrition is a major public health challenge of global importance. It may result from either excessive or deficient nutrients. Despite investments and several efforts made by the South African government and civil society organizations to improve child health, the prevalence of childhood malnutrition remains high in South Africa. South Africa is still lagging in in achieving the sustainable development goals 1-3 (i.e., 1- no poverty, 2 – zero hunger and 3 –good health and wellbeing).

Social Patterns of Loss to Follow-Up and Non-Adherence in the Limpopo Province Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission Programmes

Introduction: Though the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) programmes have been widely implemented with increased availability and improving coverage of services, there have been concerns of increasing numbers of mothers who are loss to follow-up (LTFU) and those who failed to adhere to treatment after giving birth. This has led to increasing new infections of Mother-to-Child Transmission (MTCT) during post-natal periods (UNAIDS 2017). Extensive research has focussed

The mental health of children and youth in the Ehlanzeni education district of Mpumalanga province: associated risk and resilience factors

This study investigated the prevalence of mental health and associated risks and resilience factors in children and youth aged 10 to 19 years in the Ehlanzeni Education District of the Mpumalanga Province. A sequential explanatory mixed- methods approach was used to conduct the study in three phases. During the first phase, the quantitative design used the Child and Youth Mental Health Profiling System (CYMHPS).

The manipulation of language in E.D.M. Sibiya’s novels: a stylo-linguistic critique

The aim of this study is to investigate and critically appraise E.D.M. Sibiya’s manipulation of the isiZulu language in his novels. Sibiya has contributed greatly to the growth of isiZulu literature. Despite being an award-winning novelist, his works, particularly novels, have not received the amount of attention they deserve as there is relatively less research done on them. Most research on Sibiya’s novels has focused on literary elements such as characterisation and social ills as depicted by themes. There is very little that has been done on evaluating language in his novels.

Exploring the Experiences of the Elderly with the Utilisation of ICTs in Their Health and Social Care

Research shows that elderly people want to be loved, taken care of, and live close to their families, however, they are the most socially excluded people in society. As their well-being, quality of life, health, and social care are overlooked there is also a shortage of research in this field. The care that is traditionally administered by caregivers is deemed problematic and inadequate by some scholars and therefore it was said that information and communication technology (ICT) was employed and implemented in elderly care to improve it.

An Evaluation of a School-Based Intervention for Adolescents Exposed to Domestic Violence

Numerous studies have indicated the detrimental effects of domestic violence exposure on children and adolescents. Evidence has shown that adolescent exposed to domestic violence present with poor psychosocial outcomes and negative gender attitudes which increase their propensity for becoming victims or perpetrators of domestic violence. These risk factors render them a vulnerable and an at-risk population. Effective interventions to address these risks that adolescents exposed to domestic violence present with are essential in the long-term fight against domestic violence.

Citizen Science and Environmental Justice in South Africa’s Water Sector

At the heart of the fight for environmental justice (EJ) by activists and communities is a contestation involving information and knowledge, including an understanding of the science surrounding those injustices. The focus of this thesis, through the use of case studies in South Africa, is on how people and organisations are using science to achieve EJ as it relates to the more specific water challenges they experience.

Community Water Governance for Sustainable Local Development in Northern Ghana

The development of communities and sustainability of rural water and sanitation systems could be achieved through the creation of participatory spaces and empowerment of localities for effective water governance. The objective of this study was to assess how community participation in decentralised water governance affect the distribution and sustainability of water supply and sanitation systems in rural communities of the Savannah Region of Ghana.

Communication practices of social movements in South Africa: A comparative study of Abahlali baseFreedom Park and Wits Fees Must Fall movement

Social movements have become a communicative practice that the marginalised have used and still use to speak back to systems of oppression. This study investigates the communication practices of social movements in South Africa with specific reference to the Wits Fees Must Fall (Wits #FMF) and Abahlali baseFreedom Park (AbFP).